Thursday, July 13, 2006

Night sky - Yötaivas

My plan was to post a photo about joy of playground, but two little children* are sleeping (finally) in the room where those photos are, so here again this familiar view but the clouds are new anyway ;-)

*nephew and niece are having holiday at auntie piu

Aiheeni tälle päivälle oli leikkikentän ilot mutta kaksi pientä iippoa* nukkuu (lopultakin) huoneessa jossa kuvat ovat, joten tässä taas tämä tuttu maisema mutta pilvet ovat jokatapauksessa uusia ;-)

*veljenlapset ovat lomalla tätilässä


  1. the clouds looks as if came out from that industrial chimney . Nice!

  2. It's my first visit to your blog and I want to give you my congratulations : well done!!!!

    I love the colours of the sky and
    I agree with kris about the clouds .
    This building is a factory or something like this ?

  3. Hyva huomenta, Pirjo!Love your photos. The nearest I ahve been to your town is Turku.

  4. I remember: nap time is so important for mums!

  5. Thank you all!
    Alice, specially important that nap time is for auntie who doesn't have own kids ;-) anyway I have a great time.

  6. Anonymous13/8/06 03:11

    Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
