Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Julia and Romeo

Yes, pyramids of Oulu are called Julia and Romeo, they are part of botanical garden of University of Oulu.
Inspiration to take this photo I got from Sydney.

Kyllä, Oulun pyramidit ovat Julia ja Romeo, ne ovat osa Oulun yliopiston kasvitieteellistä puutarhaa.
Inspiraation tähän kuvaan sain Sydneystä.


  1. What a great tie-in to Sally's post. I love the black and white. Maybe Eric will post one from le Louvre?

  2. Thanks Kim, the photo was so colourless (white and grey building, grey sky...) that I decided turn it all b/w.

  3. Fantastic! And both ours in Botanic Gardens too.

  4. Anonymous13/8/06 01:47

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