Friday, July 21, 2006

Garlic festival - Valkosipuliyöt

Yesterday started three days and nights long garlic festival at Oulu market place. Critical voices blame it’s to be only another reason to drink too much but anyway garlic nights are one of the most famous summer events in Oulu, and there is a lot of all kind of food on offer, flavoured with garlic naturally ;-)
More information about the festival from organizers web page.

Eilen alkoivat kolme päivää ja yötä kestävät Oulun valkosipuliyöt torilla. Kriittiset äänet moittivat tapahtuman olevan vain taas yksi syy juoda liikaa mutta jokatapauksessa vlkosipuliyöt ovat yksi suosituimmista kesätapahtumista Oulussa ja tarjolla on paljon kaikenlaista syötävää, luonnollisesti valkosipulilla maustettuna ;-)
Lisää tietoa järjestäjän sivuilta.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I want to come! This is a great shot. I love the composition of the people in the foreground and the building in the background. Kudos for catching the bird in flight, too! What a happy festival this seems to be. In California where I used to live, the town of Gilroy has a garlic festival every year, too. We used to love going, and I always purchased a garland of elephant garlic. Here in Seattle this weekend I will go to the Ballard Seafood Festival (this neighborhood is made up of mostly Scandinavian people, and the Finish, Norwegian, Sweedish, Danish, and Icelandic flags fly from many buildings all year round. I'll try to post pictures for you.
