Saturday, June 10, 2006

Summer night bonfire - Nuotio kesäyössä

Again photo outside of the city of Oulu (but still in county of Oulu ;-)
I wanted to post this photo because in it is tree very important Finnish summer theme: light night, bonfire and totally calm lake. I took it at 1:37 AM.

Jälleen kuva Oulun kaupungin ulkopuolelta (mutta edelleen Oulun läänissä ;-)Halusin postata tämän kuvan koska siinä on kolme tärkeää suomalaista kesäteemaa: valoisa yö, nuotia ja peilityyni järvi. Kuva on otettu 1.37.


  1. I can't imagine a better setting than that... a nice fire and a beautiful view. Great photo.

  2. Nice shot. I suggest you for this pic a soundtrack: see it and listen to 'boards of canada' (title track: dayvan cowboy)

  3. Interesting lighting for 1:37am ... I had never thought of a photo with fire. I will have to give that some thought. Maybe the lighting of a bar-b-que grill.

  4. Amazing shot for that time of night! Very cool.
