Thursday, June 01, 2006

DP Theme Day - Car Parking Charges

Some translations: ulos = out, sisään = in, Autosaari = Car Island, avoinna = open, taksat = charges, seuraava = next, jakso = period, veloitus = fee, alkavat = begins, vrk = 24 h

For you who don't want to enlarge the picture, the charge is 1 euro for every starting 50 minutes, max fee is 8 euros for 24 h.


  1. Very modern and clean looking!

  2. Cool! I love how the people in your photo are looking at you with some confusion.

  3. Sarah, they probably wonder my strange subjects ;-) who an earth will take a photo place like this.

  4. And now little do they know, their photo is on the web!
