In Oulu sun riced today at 9:54 AM and set at 2:21 PM, so in our latitudes light time per day at this time of year is about 4 hours. Except when it is cloudy and we have 3 hours dim between morning darkness and afternoon darkness. Today was again one of those dim days and I wasn't mood to go out with camera, so this photo is from last Tuesday when sun was shining at least few moments.
Aurinko nousi tänään Oulussa 9.54 ja laski 14.21. Näillä leveysasteilla valoisa aika on tähän iakaan vuodesta noin neljä tuntia, paitsi pilvisellä säällä kun on kolmisen tuntia hämärää aamupimeyden ja iltapäiväpimeyden välissä. Tänään olin jälleen yksi noista hämäristä päivistä eikä kuvaaminen oikein innostanut niinpä päivän kuva on viimei tiistailta kun aurinko paistoi edes hetkisen.
It would be hard to get used to those few hours of daylight. I complain when I just have 7am to 4pm to take photos.
ReplyDeleteThis is a nice shot. I like the lighting.
Short but beautiful light!
ReplyDeleteMillasta kameraa sää käytät?
ReplyDeletefaye pekas; it is not hard to get to those few hours with light, but those many without...
stunning photo!
ReplyDeleteThank you all :-)
ReplyDeletePiika, actually kaamos is when sun doesn't rice above the horizon at all, like in Utsjoki witch is 676 km up to north from Oulu.
Anne, I have two cameras, Canon 20D with tree lenses witch I use when I'm doing serius ;-) photographing and faithful handbag camera Canon PowerShot G5 witch is always with me.