Tuesday, August 01, 2006

CDP Theme Day - CDP teemapäivä

A self-portrait in your favourite place was the theme.
I found this task surprisingly hard, and had all kind of weird ideas, but suddenly I noticed that there I am, in one of my favourite places: Youth and Culture Centre dancing rehearse room 3, shooting dancing-photos.

Omakuva suosikkipaikassasi on siis aiheena.Tämä aihe oli yllättävän hankala, mietin kaikenlaisia kummia ideoita mutta yhtäkkiä huomasin, että siellähän olen, yhdessä lempipaikassani eli Nuoriso- ja kulttuurikeskuksen tanssisalissa 3, kuvaamassa tanssia.

To see a lot more favourite places follow links above / uusiin suosikkipaikkoihin pääsee allaolevista linkeistä:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28


  1. Beautiful photo. I also found the task hard but am having a lot of fun surfing the post.

  2. Wonderful! The best self-portrait I've seen today! I love rehearsal studios!

  3. Knowing you always only post a picture taken on the day, I'd been wondering what you would come up with.

    This is excellent; indeed stunning.

  4. the red is stunning! loving the movement!

  5. This photo really came together well, in thought and in action. I love the movement, the colors, the open feeling of the studio. Super shot!

  6. this is a lovely shot and your position in the photo is picture purrrrrfek!

  7. Thak you all very much! It was nice moment to realice that "this is it!"

  8. That is so wonderful.

  9. This is so great! It even took me a while to figure out and first I wondered which of the dancers you are. But you were so right to take the picture that way, and the colours just support the message... it's real art, your picture... great!

  10. It is also my favorite place in Oulu. Almos only I miss...
