Sunday, February 04, 2007

Reindeer - Poro

and reindeer owner at Oulu Market place yesterday.

ja poroisäntä Oulun torilla eilissäpäivänä.


  1. It's very nice to know this city in Finland and it's very nice city, i think
    im want to know more about oulu...
    add something new in here if u have time
    thank you
    From bangkok ,Thailand

  2. Hello, I knew that Finland was an intersting place..In fact I was always very intersted in the Northern European countries, but Oulu, through your lens....It is much more beatiful than I had ever imagined. Can't wait how it looks at summer time....Greetings from Istanbul

  3. I lived in some different cities in Finland for 18 months back in '93-'94, and I love its beauty, but I was never so far north as Oulu! I love your photos. Your blog is becoming one of my favorites. My kids are going to love the reindeer photo when I show them. Kiitos paljon!!

  4. Anonymous19/2/07 01:11

    How interesting
